Friday, June 24, 2011


I thought I would share this article with families so that they can see what material is being broadcasted to students and their families.

Unfortunately, the conscience among high school counselors and independent consultants is much the same----- the core curriculum is weighed a little heavier than the SAT or ACT test scores

Counselors and Admissions Reps all concurred pretty much on the same idea that "test scores are not weighed that heavily. Curriculum and grades are the biggest piece of the package, with essay and recommendations, students' interests and commitment to an extracurricular project or activity being highly considered."

It is an article worth reading, but as I have tried to point out in this blog.... couselors and consultants who are well trained and familiar with the process can shift through all the material that you are being shown and introduced to, and cut through it and point you in the right direction--- into the right schools so that down the road, when you get to the school and become a part of the campus, you realized you made a $30,000 to $60,000 mistake.

I can not tell you HOW MANY students have to go to Princeton, Brown, Vassar, UCLA, or USC and then when they get their realize they HATE the school.. so they move home, go to a local community college until they can get into another school, usually closer to home and finish up their degree some 5-7 years after they graduate from High School.

College Admissions Consultants can help you make the right choices. While College Counselors in the High Schools want to matriculate a student, Consultants are looking to have the students attend a school where they will graduate from in 4-5 years.

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