Friday, June 24, 2011


Many students are heading off to visit colleges this summer. Before you and your family actually go to the expense to travel, take some time to do some research on each school before you arrive on campus –

Spend time on each school’s web site, read about schools on College Prowler’s web site, look into research opportunities, strong departments, well known professors, etc… Remember that professional marketing companies are hired to promote schools to potential students and it may not be as it appears.

Here are some things to do during your college visits to make the most of your time: visit a class:

Talk to students

Visit the library and see if you feel comfortable there.

See a dorm, if possible

Talk to a professor about your interests and find out about specifi departments

Visit any special places that correspond to your interests (music studios, art museums, etc...)

Take Notes!

Make these visits work for you! Don't just take the tour/info session route -- venture out! Talk to students, stop by your favorite academic department and speak to a professor, observe a class, see a dorm, do an overnight visit.

This will help you later when you write why you are choosing a particular school.

Following these simple rules will give you a better feel for the school so you can figure out where to apply. Participating in "targeted visits" will also be useful in your application when you take time to describe WHY you are applying and why you consider yourself a good match for the school.

For students who participate in overnight college visits to be very careful and stay safe. Not only will their decisions impact their health and well-being, but colleges will not be excited to admit a student who was drunk and disorderly when visiting.

The moral of the story is, don't just be led down the boring propaganda road of info sessions -- target your visits to get more mileage out them and to make an informed decision about which school is best for you!

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