Saturday, June 26, 2010


"Yes Virginia, there really are students who get their admissions offers rescinded!"

If in your final semester of High School you obtain poor grades, are disciplined or expelled for any reason, or there is a combination of the two----------- it can lead to a reversal of a decision in a heartbeat. If this happens to you, you must contact the college right away and offer to meet with them. They may be willing to re-admit you after a semester at a community college, or admit you under academic probation.

Before you leave High School, make sure to obtain a letter of support from your counselor, or at least a phone call from a school official on your behalf. Faculty have a way of moving in the summer months just as students do, so you want to make sure you get all your ducks in line before you can no longer obtain letters or support from these people.

What is the best way to prevent it from happening? Listen to your counselor, and remember: THE SENIOR YEAR COUNTS.

It is at this time of year when rumors start circulating about horrified students whose acceptance to college has been revoked due to poor senior grades or behavior issues. Unfortunately, these stories are true, not urban myths. Under certain conditions a college will take away an acceptance, or threaten to do so. Find out how you can prevent that from happening — and what steps you should take if it does happen to you.

Have a great summer, and prepare well for the new world of opportunities that will open up to you come Fall.

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