Monday, March 25, 2013

What Parents Need To Keep In Mind About The College Admissions Process

Every year, parents ask:   “How can I help my teen with college applications?”
Every year, the answer is the same: “Stand back and let your teen take responsibility.”
As parents, it’s only natural to want to jump in and help our children, but when it comes to college applications, it is decidedly not a parent’s job to complete applications; it is the teen’s job. 

In reality, the college admissions process is the most important test of your child’s college readiness, regardless of whether or not your teen has an intellect equal to Albert Einstein.  If  a student habitually misses deadlines, can’t string together a few coherent sentences for an application essay, or is too forgetful to remember to ask a teacher to write a recommendation, that may be a sign that the student is not yet ready for prime time college.
That may sound somewhat harsh, but it comes from years of experience watching teens try to navigate the college admissions maze while their parents push, prod, nag and meddle from the sidelines.  In addition to denying students an important developmental milestone, parental interference also runs the risk of damaging the parent-child relationship by sending the message that you don’t think your child is capable.

That said, parents can – and should – play a support role as their child applies to college.  Here are some things that parents can do to support their child:

Help your child organize.  In the spring of junior year, suggest to your child that you work together to develop a “To Do” list of the tasks they’ll need to complete for college applications.  Review the list together and agree, in advance, how you can help support the process. (Hint: Do not offer to fill out applications, and do not write any essays!).  Provide the materials your teen is likely to need for college applications, such as envelopes and stamps, a calendar to track deadlines, and a place to keep application materials organized. 

Arrange college visits.  If your family budget allows, offer to take your teen to visit colleges, and make travel arrangements such as hotel and air reservations. However, your teen should have final say about which colleges you will and will not visit, and he or she should also be expected to have done some preliminary research on the colleges you’ll visit before the trip.  To prevent college visit burnout, try to never tour more than two schools per day, and save going to the formal admissions information sessions only for those schools at the top of your teen’s list.

Provide the numbers.  Your teen will need his or her Social Security Number and a credit card to register for standardized tests and pay for application fees, test score reports, and transcripts. I recommend furnishing both the Social Security Number and credit card information to your teen, as both are needed frequently during the application process.  This is a great opportunity to discuss identity theft and responsible credit card use with your teen, both issues he or she needs to be familiar with before heading off to college.  If your family will be applying for financial aid, gather all of  your family financial data necessary in a timely manner so that you and your child are ready to complete financial aid applications well before deadlines.  Parents should make a concerted effort to file their income taxes as early as possible in the year the student will start college so that you have accurate numbers for financial aid applications.

Mum’s the word. Restrain yourself from offering free advice to your teen on any college matters.  Keep dinnertime your family time without ever mentioning the “C” (for college) word.  No threats or sarcastic comments allowed.  Try not to talk to other parents, family or friends about college when you’re within earshot of your teen – you will be astounded how this can set a teen off into a tirade.

Finally, remind your child that you love and care about them, but you don’t want to get in the way of their college planning.  This gives them the freedom to explore options and make choices on their own.  After all, you want to raise a child who is independent and ready for college success; this is really the first step towards letting go as your child moves into adulthood.

FINALLY...  Consider hiring a consultant!  Make sure the consultant you hire is a trained professionally, and is a member of one of the three national organizations.


Thursday, March 14, 2013


Our  Applica-Phobia Boot Camp® is a 4-day boot camp that is being offered to current junior students and will be seniors in the fall.  Space is  limited, so it is on a first come, first serve basis and a deposit is required to hold your space. We will be offering these programs twice, August 8-11 and again from August 15-18 in the Santa Monica, California.
Students who participate in this program will put themselves well a head of the college admissions game by having the majority of their applications completed prior to the start of their senior year and allowing them to minimize their stress levels.
What students will receive in this program will be:
  • Completing their Activity/Brag Sheet which will sum up their high school awards, activities, and achievements.
  • Prepare essays that can be used for specific colleges of their choice using the Application Boot Camp® strategy.
  • The ability to work  one-on-one and in small groups to complete both the Common  and UC Application months weeks their peers have even begun! 
  • Develop an application strategy to increase their college acceptance possibilities.
  • Get advice on colleges choices within their range.


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Before the Fair...

Answer the following questions to help determine what kind of school would be best for you:
  • Do you want to attend a two- or four-year institution?  Co-ed or single sex?
  • What size school do you want to attend?
  • What programs of study are you considering?
  • How far from home do you want to go?
  • Do you wish to participate in any specific extra-curricular activities or athletics?
  • Do you want to attend a school in an urban, suburban or rural environment?
  • Do you require any special services (i.e. tutoring, note takers, readers, TDD or interpreters)?
  1. Discuss your college plans with your guidance counselor, family, teachers and friends. 
  2. Research your colleges of interest on the Internet and in your guidance office/library. 
  3. Check dates and registration deadlines for college entrance examinations.
  4. Register before heading to the fair! Watch the video about student registration
  5. Watch this video for more information about what happens at a NACAC College Fair! 
  6. Download and print the checklist to take with you to the Fair.  

At the Fair...

  1. Pick up a bag and a fair directory.
  2. Visit with colleges and universities which you feel meet your criteria.
  3. Talk with a college counselor at the Counseling Center if you have any questions or need help with yourcollege search
  4. Attend a workshop. 
See this video..... a must!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Students and Their Families Should Look To College Admissions Consultants ..

The Associated Press released a poll a couple of years ago as they  sought to get feedback from high school graduates about the help and support provided to them by their school-based counselors as they began exploring colleges, trade schools, or work. A majority in that poll said  that their school wasn’t good at helping them choose a field of study, aiding them in finding the right college or vocational school, or assisting them with ways to pay for continuing education. All the more frustrating was that the vast majority came to the process excited about the idea of college, but felt unprepared to go about the search and application process.

The fact is most high school counselors are among the most over-worked and under-appreciated members of the school community  is not surprising.   These professionals continue to struggle with caseloads two to three times the suggested average,  sometimes working as many as 10-12 hours per day for a few months each year. They are rarely afforded the opportunity to attend professional training, even as the issues they struggle with become more complex. Many high school counselors are also responsible for not only academic advising, discipline, and crisis intervention,but also college planning, in addition to the required paperwork for the school boards, lunchroom or bus duties, and what schools end up with is a staff that has been stretched much too thin with little professional support. In California, there is roughly one counselor for every 810 students.  That number is smaller, but still high in large cities like Los Angeles.

Even as those with the “luxury” of handling college advising often have responsibility for 300 – 500 students, the students who don't speak up get lost in the cracks. No one should ever wonder why the profession of independent educational consulting has been taking off with students and their families. Even though the fees can appear costly, when you see the amount of hours that are invested on each student and the cost of a 4 year college educations ranges from $ 150,000 - $ 275,000 for a four year education.  

Students deserve better than what cash-strapped schools can provide, and they should have hours of face time with a counselor.  Students should be guided in how to explore careers and majors; and be able to think through what they desire in a school. Students should understand their own learning style and how this plays into school choice, and to have someone they can e-mail, call, text, or meet with to examine questions about interviews, financial aid, campus visits,  and more.

A well trained College Admissions Consultant can give a family the expertise of the inns and outs of the college admissions process and serves as a buffer of the stress between stressed out students and parents.  As Jeffrey Brenzel, the Former Dean of Admissions at Yale University said . . . . .  “ College Admissions Consultants can often help students gain admissions to highly selective colleges and universities ".  It is something students and families should keep in the back of their mind.

As Jeffrey Brenzel, Former Dean of Admissions of Yale University said before he left the school..