Friday, August 31, 2012

Worrying about College Essays?

I have been to a lot of informational discussions that talk about the "good old college essay", and I always come away feeling always  the same.....EMPTY---   no one REALLY can explain the core of the essay, and everyone wanted to hear something they could sink their teeth into.  For me,  it is really sad because it is the MOST important, Most Crucial, and MOST time consuming part of the entire process and worse, one essay is not enough!

The process of preparing for college  really needs to start in the 9th grade.  This is the time when a student should be mapping out their plans.  It might sound early, but it is not.  It does not mean you can not go if you dont start in the 9th grade, it just means that the longer you wait, the mose stress it will cost you and your family.

By the end of the 11th grade the ideal student should have taken all of their SATs, ACTs, AP Subject Tests, and be ready to look to college apps.  Doing this in the 12th grade like in the old days is too lateApplications start around the 15th of September if not a little sooner.

Right now, High School Seniors should be have their essays complete and be on the application process.  Schools have deadlines, and if you miss the deadline, you are our out till the next year, so deadlines are critical.

I can promise you that many students have not begun their essays, are not sure which schools are right.  I hear a lot of students say,  "I want to go to college, but I dont think I could get in".  Waiting is not going to help.  If you think you have learning issues, talk to someone.  If you are looking to play a sport and have not been recruited, talk to someone.  If you dont know what to do next, talk to someone.

If you are one of these students and you are beginning to sweat bullets about the admissions process, we are here to help you.  We work with students and create strategies on how to get in, and get through college.  Not every student is right for the big Ivy or California Schools, but that does not mean that college is out of the question, it means that you have to find the school that will meet your needs. But he is some advice... rule out FOR PROFIT schools.  They love to mislead you.

FOR PROFIT schoosls, like the University of Phoemix, National Univ ersity, etc. are schools to avoid because they costs more than the most expensive school in the country... George Washington University in Washington DC, and they offer you a 4th tier education.

Schools you want to look at are NON-Profits.  There are schools that have admissions officers who are in admissions, not sales reps.

If you need help and can not find the answers, consider talking to us.  We have fees too, but they are about 1% -2% of what a 4 year education will cost you.  We help you on different levels, and help to make your college experience a positive one.

Visit our website at if you feel you need guidance.  We are here to help you.  We offer a FREE 1/2 hour consultation.

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