Sunday, October 7, 2012


 We are back form the national convention that took place during the presidential debate on the University of Denver Campus this past week.. It was one of thSe most successful conventions of recent years.

The most notable point of the trip was how many high school principals, agents and others traveled from China to this convention to participate.  I was even impressed with some of these people coming to Denver and they could barely speak a word of English, yet they tried to communicate with the admissions officers of several school about their students.

There are many students right now applying to college, and I am sure they are measuring their ability to get into a school by those of their friends.  This is a huge myth students have.. students applying to colleges are really competiting for a spot against other students from around the world, and no one knows for sure where the chips will fall.  You may find that a student how has a 2.93 gets in and you with a 3.93 gets denied.  GRADES, SCORES, and EXTRA CURRICULAR are not the sole things colleges look at... they look at many many factors to make up a freshman class.

If you are applying to a college, watch this video by the Director of Admissions from Vanderbilt University.  I think he speaks not only for Vanderbilt but for most colleges across the U. S.  and it is a video students should take note of.

I know that a lot of parents and students feel that they can not afford a college consultant, but students need to be aware that many colleges want the money students have and take all the FREE money students are entitled to.. forcing some students to be left with no degree.  When you work with a college admissions consultant, you are working with a professional who can help you avoid the pitfalls and graduate on time maximizing your free financial aid, and gaining you a degree within four short years.

Listen to this admissions officer, and if you feel you need help. contact us. we offer a FREE 1/2 hour consultation.


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