Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Summer opportunities are an important way to enrich your life, as well as a great way to strengthen your college application. What you do during your summer vacations will give admissions counselors an idea of what kind of person you really are.

For sosme High School students it means going out to find a job, or entertain an idea of taking some enrichment courses.  For those in California, Community Colleges are NOT offering as of this year course to High School students due to budget cuts.  If you live elsewhere,  community colleges offer wonderful programs to high school students and give you a chance to try out what college life is sort of like.

Use your summer experiences to explore an interest or career path, strengthen your skills in a particular subject, immerse yourself in another culture and most importantly, boost your college applications!

Here are some resources for you to check out:

 NOTE:  The University of California schools offer programs to students in high school, but check with each campus ( remembering UC San Francisco is for graduates only) as well as California State Universities and see if they have been effected by  budget cuts

***Remember if you are preparing for college, we are here to assist you through the process and point you toward college success.  Check out our website at

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